Benefit From Online Marketing

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5 Benefits From Online Marketing

There are many options today when it comes to buying media or advertising. It’s important to do your research and find what’s the best option for your company’s objectives and also your budget. In this post we’ll attempt to the benefit from online marketing. The benefits below are not the only benefits and they are in no particular order.

1. Specific Targeting Through Online Advertising

Specific targeting may be the #1 advantage of advertising on the web compared to other forms of media. Print, radio, and tv marketing are very limited in their targeting capabilities. What that leads to is usually wasted ad spend trying to find the target customer.

Using powerful search engines like Google allow you to place your ads in front of potential customers who are searching online for your product/service by using keywords. This essentially means that the potential customer have to be searching for your product or service for your ad to appear. What that means is that when you have search ad campaigns, you’re only in front of an interested targeted audience. 

Search Marketing Example:

An example can be someone searching for “digital marketing consultants.” If we are taking on new clients, we will have an online search campaign ad active with those keywords. In this situation the customer will see our ad and potentially click on it to evaluate us. Keep in mind it’s important to optimize these search campaigns to make the most out of them. Learn more about Search Campaigns.

2. In PPC Bidding, You Only Pay When a Customer Clicks On Your Ad

In PPC (Pay Per Click) ad campaigns you only pay when a customer clicks on your ad. This type of billing leads to advertising budgets going further by allowing room for more efficient spending. Compared to more traditional media buying (TV, radio, print) you know that you’ll be getting results and activity from your campaign. This benefit from online marketing gets your company’s name and brand gets seen more and you only pay when there is activity that results from it. Having a highly successful PPC search campaign is great, but companies results are limited by the website they are sending their potential customers to. If you don’t have a quality website built to deliver results you could be wasting your entire advertising budget. Contact our website developers if your website needs a boost in performance.

PPC Example:

An example is that if your PPC ad campaign received 1,000 impressions in a day and received 30 clicks for an average of $2/click, you’ll only spend $60 in ad spend for the day. Even though your ad showed 1,000 times, you only pay for the number of times users actually clicked your ad and went to your website.

3. Retargeting Website Users Drives Additional Sales is a major benefit from online marketing

Have you ever wondered why you keep seeing online display ads on 3rd party websites or apps that you’ve visited in the past? It’s called retargeting and our team of online marketing consultants can help you get set up with one today.

Its important to keep putting your company in front of previous website users because only a small percentage of them buy/hire on their first visit. This is a perfect strategy to keep your business on their mind to increase purchase/hire consideration.

benefit from online marketing

4. Measurable Results

How do you know if your ad campaigns are working as intended? Our consultants configure analytic & conversion tracking to be able to quantify campaign and website results. Analytics is where online advertising really pulls away from traditional forms of marketing. Everything on the internet can be and is tracked and measured. This gives marketing consultants the ability to evaluate campaigns and website usage in real-time to make intelligent business decisions. Some key focuses that marketing consultants rely on to evaluate campaigns is conversion analysis, cost analysis, and general activity. Utilizing those three focuses will lead to increased ROI & ROAS. If you need help analyzing your analytic data contact our team of professionals today.

5. No Long-Term Advertising Agreements

Online advertising with search engines like Google allows companies to be flexible with their advertising spend. With online marketing, companies get to decide how much you want to spend and the schedule of the ad campaign. Quick decision making is a critical benefit from online marketing that allows our marketing team to stretch our clients advertising dollars further. Our philosophy as a team is that we should continue to drive ROI & ROAS to earn our clients business over time. If you aren’t working with a marketing team that aligns their success with your success, contact our team about our different marketing programs today!



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